Healthcare Administration Bachelor's Degree Program

Group of healthcare professionals

Charter Oak's online bachelor's degree in Healthcare Administration is designed to provide professionals working in the healthcare industry, or a healthcare related industry such as insurance, with the knowledge required to create, implement and efficiently administer programs and services delivered by healthcare and healthcare related organizations. This major requires a minimum of 42 credits.

Potential students who are interested in this Healthcare Administration major may also be interested in our Health Information Management major.

  • HCA 101 Healthcare Systems and Administration

    3 credits
  • HCA 201 Healthcare Quality Concepts and Principles

    3 credits
  • ACC 101 Financial Accounting

    3 credits
  • HCA 211 Healthcare Finance/Business Finance

    3 credits
  • HCA 311 Economics of Health and Healthcare

    3 credits
  • HCA 301 Contemporary Ethical Issues in Health and Healthcare

    3 credits
  • HCA 401 Regulatory and Accrediting Requirements

    3 credits
  • HRM 310 Human Resource Management

    3 credits
  • One of the following:
    HCA 450 Leadership in Healthcare Administration
    MGT 450 Leadership Practices
    MGT 451 Team Leadership

    3 credits
  • Electives in Business, (e.g. MGT 315, MGT 365)
    Healthcare (e.g. HCA 325, HCA 330, HCA 350, HCA 411)
    or in an approved related field

    6 credits
  • HCA 499 Capstone (Culminating course in concentration)

    3 credits
  • MAT 105 Co-requisite: Statistics

    3 credits
  • HCA 105 Co-requisite: Medical Terminology

    3 credits
  • Total

    42 credits

Notes: Only grades of C or higher may be included in the major.

Janice Andrews

Cindy Edgerton

Rachael Gagner D'Andrea

Michael Hartwig

Cynthia James

Neil Mathur

Julie Pursley

Frank Valier

Eligibility Guidelines

  • Students must have and maintain a minimum undergraduate Charter Oak GPA of 3.0.
  • Students must have completed at least 90 credits toward their Bachelor’s degree prior to taking Graduate level courses.
  • Four Graduate level courses will replace specific Undergraduate major requirements and electives.
  • Only one Graduate level course can be taken in each 8-week term.
  • For Graduate courses taken at the Undergraduate level, a student must earn a final grade of B- or better to be transferred to their Graduate record.
  • Students in the accelerated Fast Track program may not use Credit for Prior Learning towards graduate credits.

For undergraduate Healthcare Administration program students pursuing a Fast Track Healthcare Administration Master’s degree, the graduate level courses must be; HCA 505, HCA 510, HCA 610, and HCA 620. Follow your advising plan to see how these courses will meet your undergraduate requirements.

New! Accelerate your way to a Master’s degree! Qualified undergraduate students choosing the Fast Track option may earn Graduate level credits while enrolled in a Bachelor’s degree program, enabling you to graduate from a Master’s degree program within one year of earning a Bachelor’s degree. Speak with your Academic Advisor to chart the best path for your program.

Outcomes & Pathways

Students who graduate with a major in Healthcare Administration will be able to:

  1. Describe the different types of healthcare delivery systems and services by comparing past, present, and anticipated changes.
  2. Discuss human resource management, behaviors, diversity, and policies and procedures.
  3. Review legal and ethical responsibilities in the healthcare organization as they relate to patient/client rights.
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of how healthcare quality is delivered, measured, and monitored using research methods to assess customer service and client satisfaction.
  5. Describe economic factors and payment sources that influence healthcare decisions of the population served.
  6. Explain financial risk and risk to the organization through evaluation and interpretation of appropriate data and performance reports.
  7. Identify regulatory and voluntary accrediting standards, process improvement concepts and principles and application to healthcare.
  8. Recognize the value of clinical informatics in making informed care decisions.
  9. Demonstrate communication, teamwork, leadership skills and competencies.
  10. Discuss global factors affecting the healthcare industry.
  11. Identify and apply strategic management principles and concepts.

Question: How do I redeem my qualified credential(s) for undergraduate and/or graduate college credit with Charter Oak?

Answer: Tell us which credentials/certifications you’ve earned when you apply along with your member ID. We’ll do the rest. View the full list of evaluated professional credentials for credit.

  • Certified Coding Associate (CCA) up to 20
  • Certified Coding Specialist (CCS) up to 23
  • Certified Documentation Improvement Practitioner (CDIP) up to 19
  • Certified Inpatient Coder (CIC) up to 17
  • Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CMA) up to 10
  • Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) up to 4
  • Neurophysiologic Intraoperative Monitoring (CNIM) up to 35
  • Certified Outpatient Coder (COC) up to 23
  • Certified Professional Biller (CPB) up to 9
  • Certified Professional Coder (CPC) up to 19
  • Certified Professional Compliance Officer (CPCO) up to 23
  • Health Information and Management Systems, Certified Professional (CPHIMS) up to 9
  • Certified Professional Medical Auditor (CPMA) up to 25
  • Certified Phlebotomy Technologist (CPT) up to 4
  • Risk Adjustment Coder (CRC) up to 23
  • Clinical Research Coordinator (CRC) up to 29
  • Emergency Medical Services Responder (EMR) up to 2
  • Emergency Medical Services Technician (EMT) up to 6
  • Emergency Medical Services Technician, Advanced (EMT-A) up to 8
  • Health Services Executive (HSE)* up to 19
  • Nurse, Licensed Practical (LPN) up to 16
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging technician (MRIT) up to 16
  • Registered Behavioral Technician (RBT) up to 3
  • Registered Electroencephalographic Technologist (RET) up to 19
  • Registered Health Information Administrator (RHIA) up to 48
  • Registered Health Information Technician (RHIT) up to 37
  • Registered Medical Assistant (RMA) up to 24
  • Nurse, Registered (RN) up to 64
  • Radiologic Technologist (RT) up to 33
  • Paramedic up to 41

*Approved for Graduate level.

Charter Oak State College's Master of Science and Bachelor of Science degrees in Healthcare Administration are participants in the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) and are members of the Higher Education Network (HEN).

The ACHE Higher Education Network is a collaborative effort between ACHE and healthcare administration programs to provide a valuable experience for students. Participation in the ACHE Higher Education Network entitles health administration programs to a variety of resources and tools that enhance networking opportunities, access to continuing education, and exposure to current healthcare management issues.

Interested in other Healthcare programs? Visit our Health Information Management program page.

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