The College needs financial assistance from people like you to continue its leadership role in higher education for adult students. By making a charitable bequest, you will assure that your generosity continues to assist students and to advance the mission of the College. Your gift will provide the resources to preserve Charter Oak's future. There is no better way to thank the institution that made an important impact on your life or on the lives of others.
Why Wait? Consider beginning your Legacy Giving Today!
- As we work to build on our past success in serving our students and the community, we welcome operating and/or endowment gifts. We are happy to receive monetary donations, as well as gifts of securities. Please note: When gifting shares of appreciated stock, donors may be able to eliminate the capital gains tax exposure and take a charitable deduction in the amount of the fair market value of donated shares.
Please contact: Carol Hall, chall@charteroak.edu or 860.515.3889 to discuss a gift that lasts a lifetime!
Gifts small and large are important so we hope that in your own way, you will leave a legacy.
There's no end to the good you can do.
Connecticut's LEAVE A LEGACY® urges people to leave their mark on the community.
"Everyone can help, regardless of income, and each gift makes an impact," says Lyn Walker, co-chair of LEAVE A LEGACY® Connecticut and a partner at Day, Berry & Howard.
Consider including Charter Oak State College in your will, so that you can continue to make a difference for generations to come. To find out more, contact Carol Hall, chall@charteroak.edu or 860.515.3889.
Bequest Language
If you are considering including the Charter Oak State College Foundation in your estate plan, the following language may be helpful:
"All the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, I give devise and bequeath to Charter Oak State College Foundation, New Britain, CT, a non-profit corporation existing under the laws of the State of Connecticut, for its general charitable objectives and purposes."
"I give, devise and bequeath to Charter Oak State College Foundation, New Britain, CT, a non-profit corporation existing under the laws of the State of Connecticut, ____% of my residuary estate to be used for its general objectives and purposes."
"I give, devise and bequeath to Charter Oak State College Foundation, New Britain, CT, a non-profit corporation existing under the laws of the State of Connecticut, the sum of $__________, to be used for its general objectives and purposes."
The College needs financial assistance from people like you to continue its leadership role in higher education for adult students. By making a charitable bequest, you will assure that your generosity continues to assist students and to advance the mission of the College. Your gift will provide the resources to preserve Charter Oak's future. There is no better way to thank the institution that made an important impact on your life or on the lives of others.