Child Studies Bachelor’s Degree Program

Teacher helping two young children with school work

Set the foundation you need to advance in the fields of human services, family and youth development, education or special education.

The Bachelor of Science major in Child Studies is an interdisciplinary degree (psychology, sociology and early childhood) that prepares students at the undergraduate level to work in settings related to human services, family & youth development, education or special education. Students completing this major will be prepared to enter into graduate degree programs related to the social sciences and education. Students interested in pursuing public school teaching in CT may use this degree program to apply for an ARC (Alternative Route to Teacher Certification) program approved by the CT State Department of Education (CSDE).

Child Studies students interested in obtaining certification to work specifically in Early Childhood (112 Integrated Early Childhood/Special Ed., Birth–Kindergarten) may be eligible for the ARC program at Charter Oak State College if they also have verified teaching experience as an early childhood educator (with children ages birth through five) or as a home visitor providing educational services to families with children between the ages of birth to five.

  • ECE 101: Introduction to Early Childhood Education

    3 credits
  • ECE 176: Health, Safety and Nutrition

    3 credits
  • ECE 247: Child Development

    3 credits
  • ECE 217: The Exceptional Learner

    3 credits
  • ECE 205: Diversity & Ethics in ECE

    3 credits
  • EDU 305: Autism Spectrum Disorder

    6 credits
  • Early Childhood Education or Education Electives

    6 credits
  • Social Science Electives in Human Growth and Development

    3 credits
  • SOC 320: Urban Youth in American Society

    3 credits
  • EDU 360: Family, Teacher, Community Partners

    3 credits
  • PSY 410: Research Methods

    3 credits
  • Child Studies Major Capstone

    3 credits
  • Total

    42 credits
  • MAT 105: Statistics

  • PSY 101: Intro. to Psychology

  • SOC 101: Intro. to Sociology

Outcomes & Pathways

Students who graduate with a major in Child Studies will be able to:

  1. Understand both typical and atypical child and/or youth development.
  2. Examine family dynamics and demonstrate knowledge of family, community, society and diversity.
  3. Apply strategies to support all learners in multiple settings, including children with special learning needs.
  4. Utilize strategies for working with families in various settings that help to empower families.
  5. Develop experiences for children and families that are safe, inclusionary and culturally pluralistic and reflect understanding of developmentally appropriate practices.
  6. Select and design developmentally appropriate curriculum and activities to promote positive development and learning of children.
  7. Analyze theoretical frameworks in the social sciences and apply it to practice.