Office of Early Childhood Director's Licensing Course Requirement

Office of Early Childhood Director's Licensing Course Requirement

The CT Office of Early Childhood Division of Licensing requires that any director of a licensed early childhood program enroll in and successfully complete a course in Administration and Supervision of Early Childhood Programs. Charter Oak State College offers this course online, five times each year. The Office of Early Childhood offers the tuition & fees scholarship to cover costs.  The course can be taken at Charter Oak on a visiting student basis. The course (ECE 250) focuses on the development and administration of early care and education programs for children birth through age eight. Best practices, quality programming, and program evaluation are addressed in this course. In addition, students develop skills and knowledge related to the following:

Management and Leadership: leadership and advocacy, human relations, self-awareness, staff management, working with families and communities, public relations and marketing, educational programming, regulatory/legal requirements and fiscal management.

Early Childhood: child development, curriculum and instructional methods, learning environments, health, safety and nutrition, classroom guidance, children with special needs, and professional development.

Steps to take this course:

  1. Go to:
  2. Fill out the Registration Request Form to create your account.
  3. Once you have received a user name and password (emailed to you within 1 to 2 business days), login to our MyCharterOak Student Portal and register for your course.