Become a manager with decision-making, leadership, teamwork and motivational skills.
Students completing a major in Business Administration will have an understanding of the global and business environment and the construct of an organization and how each interacts with government policies. They will also understand allocation of resources and the application of information technology. Students will acquire decision-making, leadership, teamwork and motivational skills to become managers with an awareness of differences related to culture, communications style and gender.
ACC 101: Financial Accounting
3 creditsACC 102: Managerial Accounting
3 creditsBUS 120: Business Law
3 creditsBUS 250: International Business
3 creditsFIN 210: Financial Management
3 creditsMGT 101: Principles of Management
3 creditsMGT 315: Organizational Behavior
3 creditsMKT 220: Principles of Marketing
3 credits
All major requirements must be completed with a grade of 'C' or higher. See the full requirements for our Business Administration major in our Official Catalog.
Choose one of the following:
3 cr
BUS 201: Business Statistics
MAT 105: Statistics
PSY 216: Psychology StatisticsChoose one of the following:
3 cr
ECO 103: Macroeconomics
ECO 104: MicroeconomicsMGT 330: Diversity & Inclusion in Workplace
3 crMGT 460: Fundamentals of Project Management
3 crStrategic Management
3 crPHL 485: Business Ethics & Individual Values
3 crBUS 499: Business Administration Capstone
3 cr
MGT 350: Entrepreneurship
3 crMGT 351: Managing a Growing Business
3 crMGT 352: Financing Entrepreneurial Ventures
3 crMGT 360: Small Business Management
3 crChoose one of the following:
3 cr
MGT 327: Organizational Change
Lean Management
Agile Development & Management
*OEL 530: Organizational DevelopmentAdvanced Entrepreneurship
3 cr
*This course must be approved as part of the Fast-Track Undergraduate to Graduate Degree Program.
HRM 310: Human Resource Management
3 crChoose one of the following:
3 cr
MGT 325: Organizational & Group Dynamics
*OEL 525: Team Dynamics & Processes in Modern Work TeamsMGT 350: Entrepreneurship
3 crChoose one of the following:
3 cr
MGT 327: Organizational Change
Lean Management
Agile Development & Management
*OEL 530: Organizational Development
*This course must be approved as part of the Fast-Track Undergraduate to Graduate Degree Program.
MGT 462: Effective Project Management
3 crMGT 464: Mastering Project Management
3 crLean Management
3 crAgile Development & Management
3 crChoose one of the following:
3 cr
MGT 327: Organizational Change
*OEL 530: Organizational DevelopmentChoose one of the following:
3 cr
MGT 451: Team Leadership
*OEL 525: Team Dynamics & Processes in Modern Work TeamsMGT 350: Entrepreneurship
3 crChoose one of the following:
3 cr
MGT 327: Organizational Change
Lean Management
Agile Development & Management
*OEL 530: Organizational Development
*This course must be approved as part of the Fast-Track Undergraduate to Graduate Degree Program.

Sheila Fry

Rebecca Natale

Kathleen Dove
Eligibility Guidelines
- Students must have and maintain a minimum undergraduate Charter Oak GPA of 3.0.
- Students must have completed at least 90 credits toward their Bachelor’s degree prior to taking Graduate level courses.
- Four Graduate level courses will replace specific Undergraduate major requirements and electives.
- Only one Graduate level course can be taken in each 8-week term.
- For Graduate courses taken at the Undergraduate level, a student must earn a final grade of B- or better to be transferred to their Graduate record.
- Students in the accelerated Fast Track program may not use Credit for Prior Learning towards graduate credits.
For undergraduate Business program students pursuing a Fast Track Organizational Leadership Master’s degree, the graduate level courses must be; OEL 501, OEL 520, OEL 525, and OEL 530. Follow your advising plan to see how these courses will meet your undergraduate requirements.
Outcomes & Pathways
Students who graduate with a major in Business Administration will be able to:
- apply the concepts, theories, and relationships among the functional areas of an organization, including the ability to explain the nature and construct of an organization; assess the information technology needs of an organization, explain the process of resource allocation within an organization; identify and satisfy the needs of the consumer, and create strategic processes and measurements necessary for a successful organization;
- be able to explain the the global environment of business including the political, social, and intercultural sensitivities that exist in society that are important to the development of meaniingful relationships and success in business and in life;
- understand and demonstrate professional business behavior, social responsibility, and ethical decision making and conduct; and
- be able to demonstrate well-developed and effective critical thinking, decision making, problem solving, organizational leadership, teamwork, oral and written communication skills utilizing tools such as internet, research databases, and other tools as required.
Why Charter Oak State College?
- 100% online
- Credit for credentials
- Six (6) start dates
- Expert Faculty