BSW Course Map Spring Start Part Time

Catalog Year 2024-2025

This course map is a recommended sequence for students starting in the fall who have earned more than 55 credits and want to take 7 or less credits per semester. Students with less than 55 credits will consult with their academic counselor on a schedule to meet their academic goals. Courses taken out of sequence may affect time to graduation. Students should consult their advising worksheet and academic counselor for an individualized degree plan.

NOTE: Charter Oak State College offers the flexibility of six start dates a year, so students who start in the summer or in Term 2 of Fall/Spring will work with their counselor on an appropriate course sequence.

Semester 1 (6 credits)
  • IDS 101 Cornerstone

    Credits: 3

    Term: Spring T1

    Minimum Grade: 'C'

    Pre-Requisites: ENG 101


  • SWK 101 Intro to Social Work

    Credits: 3

    Term: Spring T2

    Minimum Grade: 'B'

    Pre-Requisites: IDS 101

    Notes: If student has HSE 101 completed, can replace SWK 101 with a general education requirement

Semester 2 (6 credits)
  • SWK 110 History of Social Welfare

    Credits: 3

    Term: Summer T1

    Minimum Grade: 'B'

    Pre-Requisites: IDS 101


  • SWK 115 Difference, Diversity and Privilege

    Credits: 3

    Term: Summer T2

    Minimum Grade: 'B'

    Pre-Requisites: IDS 101

    Notes: Meets Diversity, Equity and Inclusion general education requirement

Semester 3 (6 credits)
  • PSY 216 Statistics or MAT 105 Statistics

    Credits: 3

    Term: Fall T1

    Minimum Grade: 'C'

    Pre-Requisites: IDS 101

    Notes: Meets Quantitative reasoning general ed requirement; if student has stats completed, can replace with PSY 410 Research Methods

  • PSY 410 Research Methods

    Credits: 3

    Term: Fall T2

    Minimum Grade: ' '

    Pre-Requisites: PSY 216 or MAT 105


Semester 4 (6 credits)
  • SWK 225 Human Behavior in the Social Environment 1

    Credits: 3

    Term: Spring T1

    Minimum Grade: 'B'

    Pre-Requisites: SWK 101, 110


  • SWK 226 Human Behavior in the Social Environment 2

    Credits: 3

    Term: Spring T2

    Minimum Grade: 'B'

    Pre-Requisites: SWK 225


NOTE: Students are strongly encouraged to apply to the Social Work Program during the Fall semester prior to Practicum start and begin the Practicum application process upon Program Admission.
Semester 5 (6 credits)
  • General Education requirement or elective as needed

    Credits: 3

    Term: Summer T1

    Minimum Grade: ' '



  • General Education requirement or elective as needed

    Credits: 3

    Term: Summer T2

    Minimum Grade: ' '


NOTE: Students should complete practicum application by the end of this semester.
Semester 6 (7 credits)
  • SWK 370 Practicum 1

    Credits: 2

    Term: Fall Full Semester

    Minimum Grade: 'B'

    Pre-Requisites: program admission, SWK 101, 110, 115, 225 and 226 Co-Req: SWK 371 and SWK 305


  • SWK 371 Seminar 1

    Credits: 2

    Term: Fall Full Semester

    Minimum Grade: 'B'

    Pre-Requisites: program admission, SWK 101, 110, 115, 225 and 226 Co-Req: SWK 370 and SWK 305


  • SWK 305 Direct Practice with Individuals/ Couples

    Credits: 3

    Term: Fall T1

    Minimum Grade: 'B'

    Pre-Requisites: program admission, SWK 101, 110, 115, 225 and 226 Co-Req: SWK 370 and SWK 371


Semester 7 (7 credits)
  • SWK 372 Practicum 2

    Credits: 2

    Term: Spring Full Semester

    Minimum Grade: 'B'

    Pre-Requisites: SWK 370 & 371 Co-Req: SWK 373 and SWK 310


  • SWK 373 Seminar 2

    Credits: 2

    Term: Spring Full Semester

    Minimum Grade: 'B'

    Pre-Requisites: SWK 370 & 371 Co-Req: SWK 372 and SWK 310


  • SWK 310 Direct Practice with Families and Groups

    Credits: 3

    Term: Spring T1

    Minimum Grade: 'B'

    Pre-Requisites: SWK 305 Co-Req: SWK 372 and 373


Semester 8 (7 credits)
  • SWK 415 Macro Social Work Practice

    Credits: 3

    Term: Summer T1

    Minimum Grade: 'B'

    Pre-Requisites: SWK 310 Co-Req: SWK 474 and 475


  • SWK 474 Practicum 3

    Credits: 2

    Term: Summer T1

    Minimum Grade: 'B'

    Pre-Requisites: SWK 372 & 373 Co-Req: SWK 415 and 475


  • SWK 475 Seminar 3

    Credits: 2

    Term: Summer T1

    Minimum Grade: 'B'

    Pre-Requisites: SWK 372 & 373 Co-Req: SWK 474 and SWK 415


Semester 9 (7 credits)
  • SWK 476 Practicum 4

    Credits: 2

    Term: Fall Full Semester

    Minimum Grade: 'B'

    Pre-Requisites: SWK 474 & 475 Co-Req: SWK 477 and 495


  • SWK 477 Seminar 4

    Credits: 2

    Term: Fall Full Semester

    Minimum Grade: 'B'

    Pre-Requisites: SWK 474 & 475 Co-Req: SWK 476 and SWK 495


  • SWK 495 Social Work Capstone

    Credits: 3

    Term: Fall T1

    Minimum Grade: 'B'

    Pre-Requisites: SWK 415 Co-Req: SWK 476 and 477


Semester 10 (6 credits as needed)
  • General Education requirement or elective as needed

    Credits: 3

    Term: Spring T1

    Minimum Grade: ' '



  • General Education requirement or elective as needed

    Credits: 3

    Term: Spring T2

    Minimum Grade: ' '



Total Credits: 64
Graduation Requirements

Minimum Credits to Earn Degree: 120

Social Work Major Credits: 46

Minimum Institutional GPA: 2.0

General Education Credits: 40

Liberal Arts Credits: 30

Upper-Level Credits: 30

  1. Credits can be utilized in multiple categories, i.e. general education credits may also be counted as liberal arts credits.
  2. Students will fulfill their upper-level credit requirement within the social work major.
Program Notes
  • Students have two attempts to pass IDS 101 Cornerstone with a C or better. A “W” or “AW” counts as an attempt.
  • All Social Work program courses beginning with SWK 226 must be taken at Charter Oak State College for a minimum residency of 31 credits in the major.
  • Practicum placements will run for 4 consecutive semesters, starting in the fall and including the summer.
  • Students should consult the catalog for additional information regarding institutional policies: Catalog.
Disclaimer: Major maps are only a suggested or recommended sequence of courses required in a program of study. Please contact your academic counselor for assistance in the application of specific coursework to a program of study and course selection and planning for upcoming semesters.