Charter Oak State College is committed to the goal of achieving equal educational opportunities and full participation in higher education for persons with disabilities who qualify for admission to the College.
All Charter Oak advisement and testing facilities are accessible. As an online institution, Charter Oak is uniquely positioned to work with students using a variety of modalities and is able to serve students with a wide range of disabilities.
In order to provide appropriate accommodations, official documentation of the disability is required. Charter Oak State College uses the guidelines as endorsed by AHEAD (Association for Higher Education and Disability). In adherence to Amendments to the Americans with Disabilities Act in 2008 (S. 3406) and revised Title I regulations, determination of eligibility for accommodations requires an interactive process and is made on a case-by-case basis. The Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) asks that any student in need of academic accommodations meet with us by phone or in person. No student should delay meeting with the OAS out of concern for not having appropriate paperwork.
Please contact the Office of Accessibility at (860) 515-3846 or OAS@charteroak.edu to discuss your needs and make arrangements for accommodations.
Accommodate is a case management system for students registered with the Office of Accessibility Services, as well as staff and faculty. Accommodate allows new students to apply for accommodations with the Office of Accessibility Services, as well as upload supporting documentation in one easy step.
Students already registered with the Office of Accessibility Services will be able to securely log in to access their accommodation letters. They may also request accommodations and alternate textbook formats and use the virtual calendar to schedule appointments with the Office of Accessibility Services. Additionally, students will be able to access the Resource Library for study, organizational, and time management tips, as well as view announcements on the Home Page.
Faculty members will be able to use the Faculty Portal to access student letters as well as view all registered students in their courses.
Instructions for Students
Instructions for Faculty
Accessibility Services
New students click "New Students" to request accommodations. Currently registered students and faculty click the appropriate button to log in.
- Content Coming Soon
Support for Emotional & Mental Wellness
- Mobile App: PTSD Coach
- National Center for PTSD
- Crisis Text Line
- Anxiety and Depression Association of America
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Studying, Organization & Productivity
- Bibme.org - Automatic bibliography maker
- "OWL" - Purdue University's Online Writing Lab
- PlagTracker - Plagiarism checker
- Citation Machine - Citation maker
- Evernote - Cloud-based note-taking, file storage, workspace
- Quizlet - Study tool
- Self-Control - Create distraction-free workspace on your computer
- Evernote Clearly - "Cleans up" webpages and articles for easier reading
- Using the Blackboard Ally Tool for Alternative Formats
Math Help
- Khan Academy - Free math video tutorials for several college level math subjects
- Patrick JMT - Free, extensive catalogue of math video tutorials
- MathVids - Free math video tutorials with a selection of "different teachers for different learning styles" and "explaining the same lesson in varied ways"
Optical Character Recognition & Speech (Scan & Speech)