PSA 425: Counteracting Terrorism

Course Description

This course will focus on current issues, proposed solutions, and shortcomings in public safety preparation for and in response to the threat of terrorism.        (3 credits)


  • ENG 101: English Composition 1
  • ENG 102: English Composition 2
  • Background in public safety or obtained permission from the instructor to take this course

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:

  1. Discuss in depth the modern concept of terrorism in general.
  2. Explain the relevance of the programs of federal, state and local governments to combat and respond to terrorism and integrate these various programs into a workable plan in one’s own agency.
  3. Describe the various international terrorism organizations, their strengths, and supporters.
  4. Develop plans and strategies to implement and carry out  the practices and policies used to combat or counter terrorism.
  5. Examine the motivations of foreign and domestic terrorism groups as well as their actions.
  6. Explain the various activities of governments at all levels to prepare for and cope with domestic and international terrorism and demonstrate familiarity with the goals of terrorism.

Course Activities and Grading





Course Project






Required Textbooks

Available through Charter Oak State College's Book Bundle

  • White, Jonathan. Terrorism and Homeland Security. 10th ed. Wadsworth, Inc., 2022. ISBN-13: 978-0-357-63384-7

Course Schedule

WeekReadings and ExercisesAssignments


Lesson 1:

  • Readings:
    • Chapter 1
    • Chapter 2
    • Chapter 5
  • Read assigned chapters
  • Participate in discussion boards - student introductions
  • React and respond to another’s posting.
  • Submit topic for final project


Lesson 2:

  • Readings:
    • Chapter 8
    • Chapter 9
    • Chapter 11
  • Read assigned chapters
  • Participate in discussion boards
  • React and respond to another’s posting.


Lesson 3:

  • Readings:
    • Chapter 12
  • Read assigned chapters
  • Participate in discussion boards.
  • React and respond to another’s posting.


Lesson 4:

  • Readings:
    • Chapter 13
    • Chapter 14
    • Chapter 15
  • Read assigned chapters
  • Participate in discussion boards.
  • React and respond to another’s posting.
  • Finalize SWOT assignment


Lesson 5:

  • Readings:
    • Chapter 16
  • Participate in discussion boards.
  • React and respond to another’s posting.
  • Submit SWOT Final Project
  • Complete Course Evaluation

COSC Accessibility Statement

Charter Oak State College encourages students with disabilities, including non-visible disabilities such as chronic diseases, learning disabilities, head injury, attention deficit/hyperactive disorder, or psychiatric disabilities, to discuss appropriate accommodations with the Office of Accessibility Services at

COSC Policies, Course Policies, Academic Support Services and Resources

Students are responsible for knowing all Charter Oak State College (COSC) institutional policies, course-specific policies, procedures, and available academic support services and resources. Please see COSC Policies for COSC institutional policies, and see also specific policies related to this course. See COSC Resources for information regarding available academic support services and resources.