NUR 495: Baccalaureate Nursing Capstone

Course Description

Synthesis of the baccalaureate nursing role is demonstrated by application of theories and concepts from nursing, liberal arts, and science to respond to complex and specific needs of diverse populations. Students identify and provide rationale/ justification for a project related to a specific population health challenge. Students investigate and analyze current relevant knowledge, design and implement a project to address the identified challenge and evaluate the impact. Written and oral project presentation required.

The classroom component of NUR 495 incorporates structured group assignments in weeks 2-7; see course content folders for specific information about each group assignment and the course polices for detailed guidelines. Students must be aware that all group members have equal ownership and responsibility for the end- product submitted to meet the requirements for each assignment.  All group members receive the same grade for the assignment and are equally accountable to standards of academic honesty applied to the entire submission.  

Course registration requires approval from the Director of the RN/ADN to BSN Program.

(4 credits- 2 credits classroom, 2 credits Practicum)

Note: Students must succeed in the practicum component of NUR 495 in order to pass the course. In order to pass the practicum component of the course students must achieve all of the following:

  • A Level of Performance of Satisfactory (4) on each Practicum Student Learning Outcome (SLO) on the Practicum Evaluation Form by the end of the practicum experience
  • A grade of 70% or higher on the Weekly Reflective Practicum Journal
  • A grade of 70% or higher on the Poster Presentation

Students who do not meet these requirements will receive a grade of "F" for the entire course regardless of performance in other areas of the course.


  • ENG 101: English Composition 1
  • ENG 102: English Composition 2
  • NUR 301: Baccalaureate Nursing Role
  • NUR 310: Healthcare Policy, Economics, Regulation and Ethics
  • NUR 315: Nursing Research and Expanded Evidence-Based Practice
  • NUR 320: Population Health
  • NUR 400: Continuous Quality Improvement, Safety and Interprofessional Collaboration
  • NUR 410: Organization and Systems Leadership Across the Continuum of Care
  • All other Liberal and General Education requirements for the BSN must be met prior to enrollment in NUR 495

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

Upon completion of this course, the student will have gained knowledge about:

  1. Identify specific health challenges of a selected population.
  2. Negotiate appropriate site to accomplish project.
  3. Determine and describe rationale for one challenge of the population amenable to intervention.
  4. Identify and analyze current, relevant literature that addresses components of the population’s challenge
  5. Apply a broad range of theory and concepts to design a project that addresses the specific challenge.
  6. Implement project and assess outcomes.
  7. Analyze alternate strategies that could improve outcomes.
  8. Discuss how the project demonstrates baccalaureate nursing role competencies, has contributed to personal professional development and influences future practice.
  9. Exhibit scholarship including sound written and oral presentation skills.

Course Activities and Grading


Week 1

  • Alignment of your Capstone with five or more NOFCCs
  • Final Overview of practicum experience with faculty & mentor
  • Begin developing Poster Presentation
  • Weekly Reflective Practicum Journal

Component of Practicum Grade

Week 2

Weekly Reflective Practicum Journal

Component of Practicum Grade

NOFCC Analysis Group Activity #1

  • Group Assignment
  • Discussion Forum




Week 3

Weekly Reflective Practicum Journal

Component of Practicum Grade

NOFCC Analysis Group Activity #2

  • Group Assignment
  • Discussion Forum




Week 4

  • Weekly Reflective Practicum Journal
  • Midterm Capstone Mentor Student Assessment Surveys

Component of Practicum Grade

Component of Practicum Grade

NOFCC Analysis Group Activity #3

  • Group Assignment
  • Discussion Forum




Week 5


Weekly Reflective Practicum Journal

Component of Practicum Grade

NOFCC Analysis Group Activity #4

  • Practicum Progress Reports provided to students
  • Group Assignment
  • Discussion Forum


Component of Practicum Grade



 Week 6 
Weekly Reflective Practicum JournalComponent of Practicum Grade

NOFCC Analysis Group Activity #5

  • Group Assignment
  • Discussion Forum




Week 7


Weekly Reflective Practicum Journal

Component of Practicum Grade

NOFCC Analysis Group Activity #6

  • Group Assignment
  • Discussion Forum
  • Midterm Capstone Mentor Student Assessment Surveys




Week 8

  • Summative Practicum Evaluation Reports provided to students
  • Practicum Project Poster Presentations
  • Weekly Reflective Practicum Journal

Component of Practicum Grade


Component of Practicum Grade

Discussion Forum2%
Weeks 1-8: Practicum Project & all related activities: 
Weekly Reflective Practicum Journal20%

Capstone Mentor Student Assessment Surveys


Practicum Evaluations (using Practicum Evaluation Form) [Weeks 1, 4, 7 & 8]

Poster Presentation (3 steps: Weeks 1, 6, & 8)30%
Discussion Forums (Weeks 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8)20%
Group Assignments (Weeks 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7)30%




Required Textbooks

Available through Charter Oak State College's Book Bundle

  • Textbooks and other materials utilized throughout the program in NUR 301, 310, 315, 320, 400, and 410 may be referenced


Additional Resources

Open access resources:

  1. Foote, J., PENS Research Committee. Creating an Effective Poster Presentation. Retrieved from September 24, 2020.
  2. Massachusetts Department of Higher Education (2016). Massachusetts Nurse of the Future Core Competencies (NOFCC).
  3. Frankel A, Haraden C, Federico F, Lenoci-Edwards J. (2017). Institute for Healthcare Improvement. A Framework for Safe, Reliable, and Effective Care, White Paper and Slide Presentation.A Framework for Safe, Reliable, and Effective Care | IHI - Institute for Healthcare Improvement
    • Note: Download both resources through your IHI School Account established in NUR 400.
  4. Tolentino, D.A., Knapp, H. (2020). Evaluating the Impact of Meducation®, a SMART Application to Medication Adherence: The Need to Evaluate EHR Apps Post-Implementation. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics. Evaluating the Impact of Meducation®, a SMART Application to Medication Adherence: The Need to Evaluate EHR Apps Post-Implementation | HIMSS
  5. American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). The ANCC Magnet Recognition Model. Magnet Recognition Program | ANCC | ANA Enterprise (
  6. American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) (2021). The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education, (February 2021) Retrieved from:

Course Schedule




Readings and Exercises



1-5, 7-10

1-5, 7-9


  1. Beginning Dissemination: Creating an Abstract on your Capstone Project
  2. Create a Biweekly Reflective Practicum Journal
    • Alignment of your Capstone with five or more NOFCCs


  • Review Mini Lecture: Living the NOFCC Part I
  • Discussion Forum: Utilizing the COSC RN-BSN Poster Template and principles from Foote, J., draft the Abstract of your poster presentation within the template
    • Present to your classmates on the Discussion Forum by Wednesday at 11:59 PM.
    • Post comments to at least 2 of your classmates by Sunday at 11:59 PM
  • Establish your Weekly Reflective Practicum Journal in Blackboard following the prompt to complete the alignment of your capstone project with five or more NOFCCs; due Wednesday at 11:59 PM
    • Journal entries are due each Sunday by 11:59 PM, beginning in Week 2).





  1. Practicum Week 1
  2. Group Activity #1: NOFCC Analysis
    • Patient Centered Care,
    • Safety,
    • Quality Improvement, and
    • Evidence-Based Practice
  • Review Mini Lecture: Living the NOFCC Part II
  • See Guidelines for Group Activity
  • Participate in Group Activity #1:
    • Complete Group Assignment by Wednesday at 11:59 PM
    • Post at least 2 comments to each of the other groups via the Discussion Board by Sunday at 11:59 PM
  • Submit Weekly Reflective Practicum Journal by Sunday at 11:59 PM





  1. Practicum Week 2
  2. Group Activity #2: NOFCC Analysis
    • Continued Focus on the NOFCCs:

      • Patient Centered Care,
      • Safety,
      • Quality Improvement, and
      • Evidence-Based Practice


  • Review Mini Lecture: Living the NOFCC Part III
  • Participate in Group Activity #2:
    • Complete Group assignment by Wednesday at 11:59 PM
    • Post at least 2 comments to each of the other groups via the Discussion Board by Sunday at 11:59 PM
  • Submit Weekly Reflective Practicum Journal in Blackboard by Sunday at 11:59 PM





  1. Practicum Week 3
  2. Group Activity #3: NOFCC Analysis
    • Focusing on the NOFCCs:

      • Communication,
      • Leadership,
      • Teamwork & Collaboration, and
      • Evidence-Based Practice
  • Review Mini Lecture: Living the NOFCC Part IV
  • Participate in Group Activity #3:
    • Complete Group assignment by Wednesday at 11:59 PM
    • Post at least 2 comments to each of the other groups via the Discussion Board by Sunday at 11:59 PM
  • Submit Week 3 Weekly Reflective Practicum Journal by Sunday at 11:59 PM
  • Midterm Capstone Mentor Student Assessment Surveys are due by Sunday at 1159 PM EST





  1. Practicum Week 4
  2. Group Activity #4: NOFCC Analysis
    • Focusing on the NOFCCs:
      • Professionalism,
      • Systems-Based Practice,
      • Informatics & Technology, and
      • Evidence-Based Practice


  • Review Mini Lecture: Living the NOFCC Part V
  • Participate in Group Activity #4
    • Complete Group assignment by Wednesday at 11:59 PM
    • Post at least 2 comments to each of the other groups via the Discussion Board by Sunday at 11:59 PM
  • Submit Weekly Reflective Practicum Journal by Sunday at 11:59 PM





  1. Practicum Week 5
  2. Group Activity #5:
    • NOFCC/AACN BSN Essentials Alignment

      Focusing on all ten of the NOFCCs:

      • Review the American Association of Colleges (AACN) of Nursing Essentials, Domains, Descriptors, Contextual Statements and Competencies (April, 2021) available at: and within course

      • Using the template provided, align the NOFCC with the AACN Draft BSN Essentials:
        • Group 1: Domain 1
        • Group 2: Domain 3
        • Group 3: Domain 7
        • Refer to sample for Domain 10
  3. Continuing Dissemination: Integrating your capstone project planning and experiences into your poster presentation
  • Review Mini Lecture: Blending the NOFCC & the AACN BSN Essentials, Part I
  • Participate in AACN/ NOFCC Comparison Group Activity #5:
    • Complete Group assignment by Wednesday at 11:59 PM
    • Post at least 2 comments to each of the other groups via the Discussion Board by Sunday at 11:59 PM
  • Utilizing the COSC RN-BSN Poster Template, submit by Sunday at 11:59 PM, the completion of additional components of your poster presentation:
    • PICO-T Question
    • NOFCC Alignment
    • Root Cause Analysis & one Diagram
    • Model for Improvement: Plan, Do, Study, Act
    • Interprofessional Team Members
  • Submit Week 5 Weekly Reflective Practicum Journal by Sunday by 11:59 PM





  1. Practicum Week 6
  2. Group Activity #6: NOFCC/AACN BSN Essentials Alignment
    • Focusing on all ten of the NOFCCs:
    • Continue NOFCC Analysis Group Activity focusing on all ten of the NOFCCs &
      • incorporating faculty feedback
    • Using the template provided align the NOFCC with the AACN Draft BSN Essentials:
      • Group 1: Domains 2 or 4
      • Group 2: Domains 5 or 6
      • Group 3: Domains 8 or 9
      • Refer to Sample for Domain 10
  • Review Mini Lecture: Blending the NOFCC & the AACN BSN Essentials, Part II
  • Participate in Group Activity #6
    • Complete Group assignment by Wednesday at 11:59 PM
    • Post at least 2 comments to each of the other groups via the Discussion Board by Sunday at 11:59 PM
  • Final Capstone Mentor Student Assessment Surveys are due by Sunday 11:59 PM EST
  • Submit Weekly Reflective Practicum Journal by Sunday 11:59 PM EST





  1. Practicum Week 7 (Final Week)
  2. Practicum Poster Presentations to Classmates and Faculty
  • Submit Week 7 Weekly Reflective Practicum Journal by Sunday by 11:59 PM
  • Participate in Summative Practicum Evaluation with faculty
  • Schedule a one on one WebEx meeting (30 min.) with the faculty to be held no later than Sunday at 4:00 PM
  • Poster Presentation to classmates and faculty
    • Utilizing the COSC RN-BSN Poster Template provide your poster to your classmates as an attachment via the Discussion Board by Wednesday at 11:59 PM
    • Post comments to at least 4 of your classmates Poster Presentations via the Discussion Board by Sunday at 11:59 PM
  • Utilizing the COSC RN-BSN Poster Template, submit your final poster presentation to the faculty by Sunday at 1159 PM. You may integrate feedback from your classmates.
    • Be certain your poster presentation contains the following elements:
      • PICO-T Question
      • NOFCC Alignment
      • Root Cause Analysis & one Diagram
      • Model for Improvement: Plan, Do, Study, Act
      • Interprofessional Team Members
      • Approach
      • Outcomes/Data
      • Conclusions/Evaluation
      • EBP & TJC NPSG References

Late Work Policy

Due to the accelerated nature of the NUR 300 & 400 courses, late work severely limits meaningful engagement with students, peers, and faculty, and jeopardizes collaboration and exchange of ideas.

All assignments must be completed and submitted to pass the course, regardless of how late.

The following standards relate to late submission of any assignment in this and all other NUR 300 & 400 courses:

  • All Discussion Posts must be posted by the due date/time deadline. Those posted late will be given a grade of zero.
  • All Other Papers/Projects: Failure to turn in, post, or in any way fail to meet the due date/time deadline, will result in a deduction of 10% per day of the total assignment value from the actual grade earned, for up to seven days.
  • Students who submit an assignment eight days late will receive a grade of zero for the assignment
  • If a student anticipates they will be unable to meet a deadline for any assignment regardless of the reason, they should contact the course faculty immediately.

Emergencies/Extenuating Circumstances: The Faculty and Program Director appreciate that emergencies come up in life. Emergencies/ Extenuating Circumstances are not planned activities and/or are not normally work-related.

  • Students will be required to submit reasonable documentation of emergencies/extenuating circumstances to the course faculty.
  • Any request(s) relating to emergencies/ extenuating circumstances requires documentation and approval of the course faculty, the Program Director, and other college personnel as necessary.

The following conditions acknowledge unexpected circumstances that impact students’ ability to submit an assignment by the due date:

  • If a student anticipates they will be unable to meet a deadline due to an emergency/extenuating circumstance, they should contact the course faculty immediately.
  • Students may turn in one assignment up to 7 days after the due date except for a discussion board assignment, a final course project, or other final course assignments, no questions asked.
  • Subsequent late submissions will be managed in accordance with the standards outlined above.

*Note: Students with accommodations in place may not receive an extension that is related to their disability

COSC Accessibility Statement

Charter Oak State College encourages students with disabilities, including non-visible disabilities such as chronic diseases, learning disabilities, head injury, attention deficit/hyperactive disorder, or psychiatric disabilities, to discuss appropriate accommodations with the Office of Accessibility Services at

COSC Policies, Course Policies, Academic Support Services and Resources

Students are responsible for knowing all Charter Oak State College (COSC) institutional policies, course-specific policies, procedures, and available academic support services and resources. Please see COSC Policies for COSC institutional policies, and see also specific policies related to this course. See COSC Resources for information regarding available academic support services and resources.