MGT 450: Leadership Practices

Course Description

This course exposes students to leadership theories, how leadership theories pertain to the practice of leadership, as well as applying leadership theories into real-life situations. It provides students leadership history, evolution, as well as how the leadership term as been defined and re-defined over decades. A leadership skills inventory assessment questionnaire is used to develop insight into human relations and to gain a deeper insight into the students’ own leadership skill strengths and areas needing development. The course will cover multiple dimensions of the leadership topic including authentic leadership, servant leadership, followership, power, management theories, and leadership ethics. (3 credits)


  • ENG 101: English Composition 1
  • ENG 102: English Composition 2

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:

  1. Define leadership, identify the four qualities leadership approaches, and describe the similarities and differences between leading and managing.
  2. Summarize the course requirements and the Three Skill Approach Model. Determine the differences between the Trait, Skills, Behavioral, and Situational Approach to Leadership.
  3. Describe the differences between task behaviors and relationship behaviors.
  4. Summarize the history of leadership theory.
  5. Compare and contrast Eastern and Western philosophies of leadership.
  6. Describe how values, personality, self-concept, ability, and needs influence individual behavior.
  7. Explain the major components of Path-Goal Theory and Leader Member Exchange Theory.
  8. Apply the principles of the Four Frames in society & their evolution.
  9. Use the results of the Skills Inventory Assessment Questionnaire to complete a self-development.
  10. Students will reflect and analyze their leadership traits, strengths and areas for development.
  11. Compare and contrast the structural frame, human resource, political and  symbolic frame.
  12. Analyze differences between transformational and transactional leadership and how emotional intelligence impacts leadership.
  13. Define the power of reframing organizations.
  14. Define organizational symbols and culture.
  15. Apply the principles of reframing change in organizations.
  16. Apply the principles of the four interpretations of organizational processes.

Course Activities and Grading


Discussion (in the form of team & classroom posts)


Individual Assignments


Team Assignments (Weeks 2-6)


Team Leader Role


Skills Inventory Assessment & Development Plan


Final Summary Paper




Required Textbooks

Available through Charter Oak State College's Book Bundle

  • Bolman, Lee G. (2021). Reframing Organization. 7th ed. Jossey-Bass. ISBN-13: 978-1-119-75683-5
  • Northouse, Peter G. (2022). Leadership Theory and Practice. 9th ed. Sage Publications, L.A. London, New Delhi, Singapore, Washington D.C., Boston. ISBN-13: 978-1-5443-9756-6

Optional Textbooks

Not Available through Bookstore

  • Hacker, D. (2018). A Writer’s Reference. 9th ed. Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin’s Press. ISBN-13: 9781319122843 [ebook version]

Course Schedule

WeekSLOsReadings and ActivitiesAssignments



Topic: Orientation

  • Readings:
    • Chapters 1 & 2 in Leadership Theory & Practice
    • Part One: chapters 1 & 2 Reframing Organizations
  • Activities:
    • Read through all sections of the syllabus
    • Read ‘Welcome to the Course Announcement’ in the Announcement area
    • Practice until you are comfortable with the following functions in the course: (1) Go to your group area and post a message to begin communication with your team. (2) Copy a MS Word document on your computer and paste it into a discussion board message. (3) Attach a MS Word document as a file attachment in your group area as well as the classroom discussion board called ‘Water Cooler’.
  • Post your self-introduction in the Classroom Discussion board called ‘Self-Introduction’.
  • Respond to at least 3 of your class members’ self-introductions.
  • Complete a 250-300 word essay about your expectations for the course. Post this in the Classroom Discussion Board called ‘Course Expectations’.
  • Post your team strategy essay in Classroom Discussion board called ‘Team Strategy’.
  • Post your mental model of a leader and a manager in the Classroom Discussion Board called ‘Leadership Mental Model’.
  • Look ahead to week 2’s assignments and post any questions in the Classroom Discussion Board called ‘Q & A Forum’.



Topic: Leadership History

  • Readings:
    • Chapter 3, 4 & 5 in Leadership Theory & Practice
    • Part Two: chapters 3, 4, & 5 in Reframing Organizations
    • Read the case study called “3.2 Andy’s Recipe”. Chapter 3 in Leadership Theory and Practice.
    • Read case study called “When Bosses Rush In”, Chapter 2, Reframing Organizations
    • Read ‘Team Leader Role Requirements’ document located in ‘Course Materials’ area.
  • Identify and email the instructor your week 2 team leader.
  • Complete the case study questions and submit your answers to the instructor.
  • Complete the Skills Inventory Questionnaire page 80-81 in Leadership Theory & Practice and submit it to the instructor
  • Complete week 2’s Team Presentation called ‘Managerial Wisdom & Leadership’ 
  • Post a response to the other 2 team’s presentations in the Classroom Discussion Board called ‘Managerial Wisdom & Leadership’.
  • Look ahead to week 3’s assignments and post any questions in the Classroom Discussion Board called ‘Q & A Forum’.
  • Complete week 2 self-evaluation form and submit it to the instructor.



16 & 17

Topic: Personality and Behavior

  • Readings:
    • Chapter 6, 7 & 8 in Leadership Theory & Practice
    • Part 3, chapters 6, 7 & 8  in Reframing Organizations
    • Read the case study 6.3 called “Row The Boat” chapter 6, in Leadership Theory and Practice.
    • Read the case study 8.1 called "The Vision Failed", Chapter 8 in Leadership Theory and Practice.
    • Read ‘Team Leader Role Requirements’ document located in ‘Course Materials’ area.
  • Identify and email the instructor your week 3 team leader.
  • Complete the case study questions. Submit your answers to the instructor.
  • Complete week 3’s Leadership Team Presentation based on case 8.1 study called “The Vision Failed”, Chapter 8 in Leadership Theory and Practice.
  • Post a response to the other 2 team’s presentations in the Classroom Discussion Board called ‘Leadership’.
  • Look ahead to week 4’s assignments and post any questions in the Classroom Discussion Board called ‘Q & A Forum.
  • Complete week 3 self-evaluation form and submit it to the instructor.



14 & 15

Topic: Servant Leadership

  • Readings:
    • Chapter 9, 10, & 11 in Leadership Theory & Practice
    • Part Four Chapters 9,10, & 11 in Reframing Organizations.
    • Case Study: “Global Healthcare”, chapter 10 in Leadership Theory and Practice
    • Case Study: “Anne Barreta” chapter 8, in Reframing Organizations.
    • Read ‘Team Leader Role Requirements’ document located in ‘Course Materials’ area.
  • Identify and email the instructor your week 4 team leader
  • Complete the case study questions. Submit your answers to the instructor.
  • Complete your Team Presentation and post it into the Classroom Discussion Board called ‘‘The Political Frame’.
  • Post a response to the other 2 team presentations in the Classroom Discussion Board called ‘The Political Frame’.
  • Look ahead to week 5’s assignments and post any questions in the Classroom Discussion Board called ‘Q & A Forum.
  • Complete week 4 self-evaluation form and submit it to the instructor.



Topic: Followership

  • Readings:
    • Chapter 12 & 13 in Leadership Theory & Practice.
    • Part Five: chapters 12,13 & 14 in Reframing Organizations.
    • Read the case 12.1 study called “Difficult Decision”, chapter 12 in Leadership Theory and Practice.
    • Read 13.2 case study called “Olympic Rowers” chapter 13, in Leadership Theory and Practice.
    • Read 'Team Leader Role Requirements' document located in 'Course Materials' area.
  • Identify and email the instructor your week 5 team leader
  • Complete the case study questions. Submit your answers to the instructor.
  • Complete week 5’s Team Presentation called ‘Followership’ and post it in the Classroom Discussion Board called ‘Followership’.
  • Post a response to the other 2 team’s presentations in the Classroom Discussion Board called ‘Followership’.
  • Look ahead to week 6’s assignments and post any questions in the Classroom Discussion Board called ‘Q & A Forum.
  • Complete week 5 self-evaluation form and submit it to the instructor.


6 & 9-13

Topic: Leadership Ethics

  • Readings:
    • Chapters 14, 15, & 16 in Leadership Theory & Practice
    • Part Six: chapters 15,16,17, & 18 in Reframing Organizations.
    • Read case 15.3 study called ’Ship Shape’, chapter 15 Leadership Theory and Practice.
  • Complete your Skills Assessment Development Plan Draft.
  • Post a draft of your Skills Assessment Development Plan Draft in your team’s week 6 discussion board.
  • Identify and email the instructor your week 6 team leader.
  • Complete week 6’s team presentation and post it in the classroom discussion board called ‘Leadership Ethics’.
  • Post a response to the other 2 team’s presentations in the Classroom Discussion Board called ‘Leadership Ethics’.
  • Look ahead to week 7’s assignments and post any questions in the Classroom Discussion Board called ‘Q & A Forum
  • Complete week 6 self-evaluation form and submit it to the instructor.


12 & 13

Topic: Skills Assessment Self-Development Plan

  • Readings:
    • Part Six: Chapters 19, 20 & 21 in Reframing Organizations
    • Read and review the Final Summary Paper Requirements located in Course Content Week 7 section.
    • Read case 16.1 study called: “Team Crisis Within The Gates”, chapter 16 in Leadership Theory and Practice.
  • Complete your final Skills Assessment Development Plan and submit it to the instructor.
  • Complete Case Study Questions  and submit to instructor.
  • Work on your final summary paper due at the end of week 8.



Topic: Final Summary Paper

  • Readings:
    • Read case study called “Case 15.1 Choosing A Research Assistant”, chapter 15 in Leadership Theory and Practice
  • Complete Final Summary Paper and submit to the instructor in the grade book;
  • Final summary paper must be submitted into Late final summary papers are NOT accepted.
  • Complete Case Study Questions and submit to instructor.
  • Complete Course Evaluation

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Charter Oak State College encourages students with disabilities, including non-visible disabilities such as chronic diseases, learning disabilities, head injury, attention deficit/hyperactive disorder, or psychiatric disabilities, to discuss appropriate accommodations with the Office of Accessibility Services at

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Students are responsible for knowing all Charter Oak State College (COSC) institutional policies, course-specific policies, procedures, and available academic support services and resources. Please see COSC Policies for COSC institutional policies, and see also specific policies related to this course. See COSC Resources for information regarding available academic support services and resources.