MAT 115: Logic (15 week version)

Course Description

This course will focus on a study of formal and informal logic, deductive and inductive reasoning, hypothetical reasoning, valid argument forms, symbolic logic, sentential and predicate language, statement logic, tautologies, and the use of validity/invalidity in logic. Emphasis is placed on the proper uses of logic for problem-solving techniques. (3 credits)


  • None

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:

  1. Define important logical terms, such as: "argument", "premise", "conclusion", "deduction", "induction", "validity", "truth", and "soundness".
  2. Demonstrate the ability to distinguish an argument.
  3. Demonstrate the ability to distinguish correct and fallacious reasoning.
  4. Describe the various properties of the four standard-form categorical propositions.
  5. Test arguments for validity using Venn diagrams and/or truth tables and indirect truth tables.
  6. Use truth tables to classify propositions, compare propositions, and test arguments for validity.

Course Activities and Grading


Discussions (Weeks 1-15)


Homework Assignments (Weeks 1-7 & 9-13)


Exams (Weeks 8 & 14)


Final Exam (Week 15)




Required Textbooks

Available through Charter Oak State College's Book Bundle

  • Baronett, Stan. Logic. 5th ed. Oxford University Press, 2022. ISBN-13: 9780197602409

Course Schedule

WeekSLOsReadings and ExercisesAssignments



Topic: What Logic Studies
  • Chapter 1
  • Sections A-G
  • Read assigned chapter
  • Participate in the Discussions
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Start the Homework



Topic: What Logic Studies (cont...)
  • Chapter 1
  • Sections A-G
  • Read assigned chapter
  • Participate in the Discussions
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Complete and Submit the Homework


Topic: Informal Fallacies
  • Chapter 4
  • Sections A-E
  • Read assigned chapter
  • Participate in the Discussions
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Start the Homework



Topic: Informal Fallacies (cont...)
  • Chapter 4
  • Sections A-E
  • Read assigned chapter
  • Participate in the Discussions
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Complete and Submit the Homework



Topic: Categorical Propositions
  • Chapter 5
  • Sections A-H
  • Read assigned chapter
  • Participate in the Discussions
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Start the Homework



Topic: Categorical Propositions (cont...)
  • Chapter 5
  • Sections A-H
  • Read assigned chapter
  • Participate in the Discussions
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Continue working on the Homework



Topic: Categorical Propositions (cont...)

  • Chapter 5,
  • Sections A-H
  • Read assigned chapter
  • Participate in the Discussions
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Complete and Submit the Homework



Topic: Exam 1
  • Chapters 1,4 & 5
  • Review assigned chapters
  • Participate in the Discussions
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Complete Exam 1 (Graded)
91,2,5Topic: Categorical Syllogisms
  • Chapter 6
  • Sections A-G
  • Read assigned chapter
  • Participate in the Discussions
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Start the Homework
101,2,5Topic: Categorical Syllogisms (cont...)
  • Chapter 6
  • Sections A-G
  • Read assigned chapter
  • Participate in the Discussions
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Complete and Submit the Homework

Topic: Propositional Logic

  • Chapter 7
  • Sections A-G
  • Read assigned chapter
  • Participate in the Discussions
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Start the Homework
121,2,6Topic: Propositional Logic (cont...)
  • Chapter 7
  • Sections A-G
  • Read assigned chapter
  • Participate in the Discussions
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Continue working on the Homework
131,2,6Topic: Propositional Logic (cont...)
  • Chapter 7
  • Sections A-G
  • Read assigned chapter
  • Participate in the Discussions
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Complete and Submit the Homework

Topic: Exam 2

  • Chapters 6 & 7
  • Review assigned chapters
  • Participate in the Discussions
  • Review the Lecture material
  • Complete Exam 2 (Graded)
151-6Topic: Final Exam
  • Review Chapters 1, 4, 5, 6 & 7
  • Review all Lecture material
  • Participate in the Discussions
  • Complete the Final Exam
  • Complete the Course Evaluation

COSC Accessibility Statement

Charter Oak State College encourages students with disabilities, including non-visible disabilities such as chronic diseases, learning disabilities, head injury, attention deficit/hyperactive disorder, or psychiatric disabilities, to discuss appropriate accommodations with the Office of Accessibility Services at

COSC Policies, Course Policies, Academic Support Services and Resources

Students are responsible for knowing all Charter Oak State College (COSC) institutional policies, course-specific policies, procedures, and available academic support services and resources. Please see COSC Policies for COSC institutional policies, and see also specific policies related to this course. See COSC Resources for information regarding available academic support services and resources.