ECE 176: Health, Safety and Nutrition: Birth to Eight

Course Description

This course will focus on a comprehensive overview of current philosophies and developmentally appropriate practices related to health, safety and nutrition for young children ages birth through eight years old. Students will investigate a variety of effective strategies and available resources to promote healthy lifestyles, safety, and nutritional guidelines within the context of an early childhood educational setting. Permeating themes are inclusion, diversity and the importance of being culturally, linguistically, and individually sensitive to our children and families. Students will explore topics including child development; physical and mental health; childhood diseases and illnesses; safe environments and activities; child abuse with an emphasis on the educators’ role as mandated reporters; nutritionally sound menus; as well as the importance of food safety. This course requires 10 field experience hours. (3 credits)


  • ECE 101: Introduction to Early Childhood Education
  • ECE 217: The Exceptional Learner
  • ECE 222: Curriculum for Young Children - Methods and Techniques or ECE 261: Infant / Toddler Care: Methods and Techniques
  • ECE 247: Child Development: Birth to Eight

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:

  1. Describe the interrelatedness among child development, health, safety, and nutrition, and categorize food nutrients and their benefits to the human body. [Standard 1a, 5a]
  2. Design safe, effective, and high-quality indoor and outdoor environments that are conducive to learning, and plan, implement, and reflect upon developmentally appropriate health, safety, and nutrition activities for young children. [Standard 1a, 4a, 4b, 4c, 5b, 5c, 6e]
  3. Identify and implement strategies to promote healthy eating habits and nutrition in young children, taking into account cultural and individual differences. [Standard 1b, 1c, 4b, 4c, 5b, 5c]
  4. Examine communicable and acute illnesses, infections, diseases, and injuries, and research one in-depth, describing potential treatments, supporting community agencies, and classroom implications. [Standard 1a, 2c, 5a, 6c]
  5. Recognize signs of abuse and neglect in children and detail the process of securing help for the child(ren) involved, adhering to ethical guidelines and professional responsibilities. [Standard 1b, 6a, 6b, 6c]

Course Activities and Grading


Discussions (Weeks 1 - 8) 


Blogs (Week 1 - 8)


Assignments (Weeks 1 - 8)


Final Project / Key Assessment (Week 8)



Required Textbooks

Available through Charter Oak State College's Book Bundle

  • Haupt, A. L., Massare, B., Nizer, J., Paul, M., & Valenti, L. A. (Eds.). (2024). Healthy young children (6th ed.). National Association for the Education of Young Children.

Course Schedule

WeekSLOsReadings and ExercisesAssignments



Topic: Foundations of Health, Safety, and Nutrition in Early Childhood

Learning Objectives:

  • The role of early childhood educators in promoting health, safety, and nutrition
  • Collaboration between healthcare professionals and early childhood educators
  • Challenges and opportunities in the early childhood education profession
  • Readings:
    • Chapter 1
    • Chapter 2
  • Read assigned material
  • Review the lecture material
  • Participate in Discussions
  • Participate in Blog
  • Submit Toolkit Component: Quick Guide to Health, Safety, and Nutrition Basics 



Topics: Health Records, Assessments, and Family Partnerships

Learning Objectives:

  • Enrollment and health documentation
  • Health assessments and screenings
  • Supporting families in navigating healthcare systems
  • Readings:
    • Chapter 3
  • Read assigned material
  • Review the lecture material
  • Participate in Discussions
  • Conduct 2 field experience hours
  • Participate in Blog
  • Submit Daily Health Check Checklist and Family Communication Template



Topics: Promoting Nutrition and Oral Health

Learning Objectives:

  • Basic nutrition and healthy eating habits for young children
  • The role of early learning programs in promoting nutrition
  • Oral health practices and dental care in early childhood
  • Read assigned material
  • Review the lecture material
  • Participate in Discussions
  • Conduct 2 field experience hours
  • Participate in Blog
  • Submit Toolkit Components: Healthy Snacks Guide and Oral Health Activity



Topics: Social-Emotional Development and Mental Health

Learning Objectives:

  • Foundations of social-emotional development in early childhood
  • Recognizing and addressing challenging behaviors
  • Strategies for promoting positive mental health in young children
  • Readings:
    • Chapter 6
  • Read assigned material
  • Review the lecture material
  • Participate in Discussions
  • Conduct 2 field experience hours
  • Participate in Blog
  • Submit Toolkit Components: Emotions Check-In Board and Calming Strategies



Topics: First Aid and Injury Prevention

Learning Objectives:

  • First aid essentials and injury assessment
  • Life-threatening emergencies and basic life-saving procedures
  • Injury prevention strategies in early childhood settings
  • Readings:
    • Chapter 7
    • Chapter 8
  • Read assigned material
  • Review the lecture material
  • Participate in Discussions
  • Conduct 1 field experience hour
  • Participate in Blog
  • Submit Toolkit Components: Injury Prevention Checklist and First Aid Basics



Topics: Infectious Disease Management and Inclusive Practices

Learning Objectives:

  • Preventing and managing infectious diseases in early childhood settings
  • Inclusion and support for children with special healthcare needs
  • Health and safety policies and procedures in early learning programs
  • Readings:
    • Chapter 9
    • Chapter 10
  • Read assigned material
  • Review the lecture material
  • Participate in Discussions
  • Conduct 2 field experience hours
  • Participate in Blog
  • Submit Toolkit Components: Illness Prevention Poster and Inclusion Strategies



Topic: Child Protection and Emergency Preparedness

Learning Objectives:

  • Understanding and preventing child maltreatment
  • Emergency preparedness and response in early childhood settings
  • Educator responsibilities in child protection and emergency situations
  • Readings:
    • Chapter 11
    • Chapter 12
  • Read assigned material
  • Review the lecture material
  • Participate in Discussions
  • Conduct 1 field experience hour
  • Participate in Blog
  • Submit Toolkit Components: Child Protection Red Flags and Emergency Procedures



Topics: Designing Safe and Healthy Learning Environments

Learning Objectives:

  • Physical environment design and safety considerations
  • Facility maintenance and hazard management
  • Safe transportation practices in early learning settings
  • Readings:
    • Chapter 13
  • Read assigned material
  • Review the lecture material
  • Participate in Discussions
  • Participate in Blog
  • Submit Toolkit Component: Quick Guide to Health, Safety, and Nutrition Basics
  • Submit Final Project /Key Assessment
  • Complete Course Evaluation

COSC Accessibility Statement

Charter Oak State College encourages students with disabilities, including non-visible disabilities such as chronic diseases, learning disabilities, head injury, attention deficit/hyperactive disorder, or psychiatric disabilities, to discuss appropriate accommodations with the Office of Accessibility Services at

COSC Policies, Course Policies, Academic Support Services and Resources

Students are responsible for knowing all Charter Oak State College (COSC) institutional policies, course-specific policies, procedures, and available academic support services and resources. Please see COSC Policies for COSC institutional policies, and see also specific policies related to this course. See COSC Resources for information regarding available academic support services and resources.