Part 1: Course Technology Requirements
- Internet connection (DSL, LAN, or cable connection desirable)
- Appropriate notebook computer or desktop computer. Suggest your hardware configuration includes a camera, microphone, and speakers.
- Access to COSC programs including Blackboard and MyCharterOak
- Productivity software (Microsoft office provided by COSC)
Part 2: Blackboard Learning Modules
Learning Modules:
Learning modules are used to organize content, activities, assignments, and course resources into specific units for each week of the course. You may access Learning modules from the Course Content link in the course menu. Each week you should begin by visiting that week’s corresponding Learning Module for an overview and links to the week’s activities, assignments, and deliverables. While Learning modules serve as an organized place to find all activities for a particular week or unit, you may also access individual activities directly from the respective tools as explained in the sections below.
The activities listed above and below serve as a reference to the types of activities we may incorporate in this course. This list is subject to change. Specific information about each required activity will be provided in the weekly Learning Module.
Discussion Activities:
The discussion area can be accessed from the Discussion Board link on the course menu (or from the corresponding Learning Module for the week in which they are assigned). There are four types of discussion postings that may be employed at the discretion of the Course Instructor. The specific posting types used in this course will be identified throughout the syllabus.
- General Discussion Assignments - The primary discussion category used for course discussion activities. This space includes threaded discussions with topics posted by the instructor. You will create original posts and often be asked to respond to your peer's postings.
- Group Discussions - A space provided for groups to discuss group assignments, collaborate on projects, and share feedback with group members.
- Course Blogs & Wikis - The Blog and Wiki tool are designed to build community in our course. It is open to all students in the course and the instructor to post comments and messages related to both face-to-face and online activities and topics.
- Private Journal - This discussion category serves as your personal reflection journal. Post to this journal as indicated in the course assignments and weekly learning modules. The journal is a private space where only you and your instructor can view and reply to your journal posts.
Online Chat:
Similar to Discussions, an online chat is a communication tool that may be used for a variety of course activities. The chat tool will be used for large and small group chat at scheduled times announced in the course calendar.
Video Conferencing Communications:
Access live, face-to-face communications with the Course Instructor or classmates through Zoom, Skype, or other video meeting software. Students are encouraged to use these technologies to promote both individual and team communications.
Online Quizzes & Exams:
Quizzes and exams can be accessed from the Assignments area on the course menu (or from the corresponding Learning Module for the week in which they are assigned). You can only take quizzes and exams within the time frame specified by the Course Instructor. Be sure to pay close attention to deadlines—there will be no make-up quizzes or exams.
Part 3: Grading Policy
Graded Course Activities:
The Course Instructor will identify in the syllabus in summary form the types of assignments that students are required to submit in the course with the points that may be awarded for each assignment.
The grade you earn is the grade you will receive for the course. Scales are not applied against exams or projects. There are no extra credit assignments available to students. Remember, as a future business executive, effort is the absolute minimum standard, however; you will be judged and rewarded based solely on your actual results. There are no scales in the corporate world, you either hit the mark or you don’t.
Complete Assignments:
All assignments, unless otherwise instructed by the Course Instructor, will be submitted electronically through Blackboard. Assignments must be submitted by the stated deadline.
Late / Missing Work (Including Discussion Board Assignments):
You are in this program to become future senior managers and executives. It is expected that deadlines set in the corporate world will be achieved and the cost of missing established deadlines are exceedingly high in terms of lost advancement opportunities and in some cases, job termination. You are expected to submit all assignments on time.
The Course Instructor has the right to assign a significant grade reduction penalty and/or refuse to accept any and all late submissions. This also applies to all Discussion assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to understand the specific assignment instructions regarding expectations, deadlines, and submission.
Viewing Grades in Blackboard:
Points you receive for graded activities will be posted to the Blackboard Grade Center within one week of the assignment due date.
Final grades assigned for this course will be based on the percentage of total points earned and are assigned as follows:
Letter Grade | Percentage | Grade Point Equivalency |
A | 93-100% | 4.0 |
A- | 90-92.9% | 3.7 |
B+ | 87-89.9% | 3.3 |
B | 83-86.9% | 3.0 |
B- | 80-82.9% | 2.7 |
C+ (Failure- Course Repeat Required) | 77-79.9% | 2.3 |
C (Failure-Course Repeat Required) | 73-76.9% | 2.0 |
C- (Failure - Course Repeat Required) | 70-72.9% | 1.7 |
D+ (Failure - Course Repeat Required) | 67-69.9% | 1.3 |
D (Failure - Course Repeat Required) | 63-66.9% | 1.0 |
D- (Failure - Course Repeat Required) | 60-62.9% | 0.7 |
F (Failure - Course Repeat Required) | <60% | 0.0 |
Incomplete Grade Policy:
Please click on the following link to access the Charter Oak State College Incomplete Policy: Incomplete Policy
Grade Appeal Policy:
Please click on the following link to access the Charter Oak State College Grade Appeal Policy: Grade Appeal Policy
Part 4: Course & College Policies:
Attendance Policy for Determining Last Day of Attendance in a Course:
Please click on the following link to access the Charter Oak State College Attendance Policy for Determining Last Day of Attendance in a Course: Attendance Policy-Last Day of Attendance
Academic Course Participation Requirements:
Please click on the following link to access the Charter Oak State College Academic Course Participation Requirements Policy: Academic Course Participation Requirements
Note: Students must adhere to all discussion posting requirements provided in the MSOEL Program Policies Part 6: Discussion Board Guidelines below.
Accessibility Services:
Please click on the following link to access information about Charter Oak State College Accessibility Services: Charter Oak State College Accessibility Services
Plagiarism Policy / Academic Honesty Policy:
Please click on the following link to access the Charter Oak State College Plagiarism Policy / Academic Integrity Policy: Plagiarism / Academic Honesty Policy
Part 5: Online and Instructor Communication Guidelines
This course relies on online tools for course communication. Through online discussion forums, chat, and blogs, you will have the opportunity to interact with others in the class, develop and share ideas, pose questions, receive and give feedback, and share experiences. For communication to be effective and informative, it is important to do more than just post your ideas. You should also read the postings of your peers and respond when you have suggestions or input.
Communication with the Instructor:
It is important to remember that while the Internet is available 24 hours a day, your instructor and other students are not. Your instructor will respond to email messages from you within two days during the week and may or may not be available to respond on weekends. Due to FERPA compliance requirements, all electronic email communications with the Course Instructor must be conducted through the Charter Oak State College email system.
There may be times where you as a student may face a situation where outside influences (personal and professional) may impact your ability to either submit assignments on a timely basis, or other issues may arise in the course. Students must first attempt to communicate with and resolve all issues with the Course Instructor. If the issue is not able to be resolved, then the student may communicate the issue to the Program Director for further consideration.
Maintain Professional Conduct Both in the Classroom and Online:
The online classroom is a professional environment where academic debate and learning take place. Your instructor will make every effort to make this environment safe for you to share your opinions, ideas, and beliefs. In return, you are expected to respect the opinions, ideas, and beliefs of other students. Students have the right and privilege to learn in all courses, free from harassment and disruption.
Important Guidelines to Remember:
As you participate in online discussion forums and chat, it is important to remember some basic things about online communication.
- Email is a private communication between the sender and receiver(s) – and should not be shared with others without the express permission of the sender(s) and receiver(s).
- Discussion forums, chats, and blogs occur in public spaces. Professional decorum is always expected.
- Discussion forums, email, blogs, and all other forms of online communication used in this program shall be considered formal forms of communication. As such, proper grammar, spelling and other formal rules related to written communications shall be followed. Under no circumstances is anyone to use the typical shortcuts and abbreviations employed in typical text messaging.
- Emoticons are not to be used in any of the above online communication forums employed within this program.
Additional Online Netiquette Guidelines:
Please click on the following link to access the Charter Oak State College Online Netiquette Guidelines: Online Netiquette
It is important to remember that you will not have the non-verbal cues that you get in the traditional face-to-face classroom and neither will your Course Instructor. Your Course Instructor cannot see the confused, frustrated, or unhappy expressions on your face if you encounter problems. It is your responsibility to communicate effectively with your Course Instructor so that he/she may help you. To enhance your overall learning experience, remember that you, the student, are responsible for initiating more contact, being direct, persistent, and vocal when you don’t understand something, and communicating often and early.
Part 6: Discussion Board Guidelines
Grading for Discussions:
Topic discussion posts will be graded during the week following the date that the discussions are due. In determining your grade, the following components are considered (see the Discussion Board Rubric)
- Length of post (quantity)
- You are required to post one original message for each topic.
- In addition to your original post, you must reply to at least two (2) other classmate(s) for each topic.
- Original posts must be between 250 to 300 words in length.
- Replies to other students must be between 100 to 150 words in length.
- Quality of posts
- Each of your posts (original posts & reply posts) must demonstrate your understanding of the topic.
- Connections between lecture content, textbook content, and discussion should be exhibited.
- Relate new information with material previously covered in the class as well as with personal experience.
- Discuss at a critical level – don’t just recite facts.
- Critical discussion includes your opinion justified with facts, the reasons you hold that opinion, and why it is consistent or inconsistent with what you’ve learned.
- Your posts should contribute to the development of further discussion.
- Compose professional posts that do not contain spelling, grammatical, and stylistic errors.
- Timeliness
- Original posts must be submitted no later than Wednesday by 11:59 PM ET with two (2) replies made no later than Sunday by 11:59 PM ET.
- Refer to Part 3 - Grading Policy above regarding late submissions.
Instructor Role in Discussions:
The course instructor will serve as a “guide” in terms of the Discussion Board. While the course instructor is not required to respond to every post, the course instructor will read what is posted, and reply when necessary. Expect instructor posts in the following situations:
- To assist you when it comes to making connections between discussion, lectures, and textbook material.
- To fill in important concepts that may have been missed.
- To re-direct discussion when it gets “out of hand."
- To point out key points or to identify important posts.
Discussion Board Etiquette:
How you post a message to a topic is just as important as what you post. If your behavior does not follow the course etiquette standards stated below, the grade you receive for a posting may suffer:
- The instructor reserves the right to remove any discussion messages that display inappropriate language or content. Do not use offensive language.
- Rudeness or “flaming” (“slamming,” etc.) will not be tolerated.
- Show respect for your fellow students, even if you disagree with something that was stated.
- Clearly state what you believe, even if it means that you’re disagreeing with someone. Never respond in anger – take care to discuss ideas, not the person.
Part 7: Rubrics
The following rubrics will be used throughout the course you take in this master’s program. Course Instructors may add or modify a rubric in their course that is specific to a major deliverable associated with the course.
Rubric - Discussion Posting
Criteria | Unsatisfactory | Needs Improvement | Satisfactory | Superior |
Quality of Original Post | Posting is a direct response to the questions asked. Content is irrelevant, devoid of critical thinking, and/or too brief for the topic. | Posting is mainly a response to the questions asked. Postings are relevant but lack insight, depth, or critical thinking. | Postings are relevant, clearly present the writer's opinion, demonstrate insight, depth, and generate further discussion. | Postings clearly present the writer's opinion, show evidence of reflection and critical thinking, and generate new questions and avenues of discussion. |
Quality of Replies | No effort is made to frame the discussion reply postings in such a way as to encourage others to reply. | Some effort is made to frame the discussion reply postings in such a way as to encourage others to reply. | A serious effort is made to frame the discussion reply postings in such a way as to encourage others to reply. | A serious effort is made to frame the discussion reply postings in such a way as to encourage others to reply. Posting generates questions and opens up new avenues for discussion. |
Demonstrated Understanding of Readings | Postings demonstrate very little understanding of the reading assignment. | Postings demonstrate an understanding of the reading assignment but are not substantiated by examples from the textbook and/or other sources. | Postings demonstrate an understanding of the reading assignment and are substantiated by at least one example from the textbook or other sources. | Posting demonstrates a thorough understanding of the reading assignment and is substantiated by several examples from the textbook or other sources. |
Grammar, Mechanics, Spelling, & Sentence Structure | Uses language that sometimes impedes meaning because of errors in usage. | Uses language that generally conveys meaning to readers with clarity, although writing may include some errors. | Uses straightforward language that generally conveys meaning to readers. The language in the portfolio has few errors. | Uses graceful language that skillfully communicates meaning to readers with clarity and fluency and is virtually error-free. |
Total Points Earned |
Rubric - Presentations
Criteria | Unacceptable | Needs Improvement | Satisfactory | Superior |
Purpose/Agenda | Did not communicate a central topic and presentation agenda. | Articulates a central topic or agenda with major gaps in effectiveness. | Articulates a central topic or agenda with minor gaps in effectiveness. | Clearly communicates a central topic and agenda. |
Organization | Did not arrange the presentation in a logical sequence. | Arranged the presentation in a logical sequence with major gaps in effectiveness or cogency. | Arranged the presentation in a logical sequence with minor gaps in effectiveness or cogency. | Effectively and cogently arranged the presentation in a logical sequence. |
Quality of Content | Did not effectively cover the stated agenda including an inadequate explanation of theory and application. | Covered the stated agenda including providing an explanation of the theory or applied practice with major errors or gaps. | Covered the stated agenda including providing an explanation of the theory and applied practice with minor errors or gaps. | Effectively covered the stated agenda including providing an explanation of theory and applied practice in the presentation. |
Quality of Research | Did not provide Reference List on the final slide and did not include proper citations on slides throughout the presentation. Research inadequate for the scope of the project. | Did not provide Reference List or did not provide proper citations on slides throughout the presentation. Did not meet the required minimum number of references required for the project. | Provided Reference List on final slide and citations on slides throughout presentation with minor errors. Met the minimum number of references required for the project. | Provided Reference List on final slide and citations on slides throughout presentation properly noted. Exceeded minimum number of references required for the project. |
Conclusion | Did not provide the audience with key take-aways nor concluding statement. | Clearly articulated only 1 or 2 key take-aways or concluding statements that the presenter wants the audience to remember. | Clearly articulated 3 key takeaways or concluding statements that the presenter wants the audience to remember. | Clearly articulated 4 - 5 key take-aways or concluding statements that the presenter wants the audience to remember. |
Criteria | Unsatisfactory | Needs Improvement | Satisfactory | Superior |
Body Language | Does not use body language to positively connect with the audience. | Use body language to reflect confidence, and ease with connecting with the audience but with major distracting mannerisms. | Use body language to reflect confidence, and ease with connecting with the audience but with minor distracting mannerisms. | Consistently and effectively uses body language to reflect confidence and ease in connecting with the audience. |
Eye Contact (If appropriate for technology employed) | Does not make eye contact with the audience. | Makes minimal eye contact with the audience with major gaps in consistency or effectiveness. | Makes eye contact with the audience with minor gaps in consistency or effectiveness. | Consistently and effectively makes eye contact with the audience. |
Oral Delivery | Does not speak audibly or with correct pronunciation, poor pace pauses, and no audience interaction. | Speaks with major gaps inaudibility and pronunciation, the rate of speech, pauses and audience interaction. | Speaks with minor gaps inaudibility and pronunciation, the rate of speech, pauses and audience interaction. | Consistently speaks audibly with correct pronunciation, the rate of speech, pauses and audience interaction. |
English Usage, Grammar, Punctuation | Proper use of language, grammar, and punctuation not employed in the presentation. | Major errors in the use of proper language, grammatically correct with proper punctuation. | Minor errors in the use of proper language, grammatically correct with proper punctuation. | Use of proper language, grammatically correct with proper punctuation. |
Criteria | Unsatisfactory | Needs Improvement | Satisfactory | Superior |
Slide Formatting | Slides not properly formatted nor prepared in a professional manner. | Slides properly formatted in a professional manner. Proper font sizing, background/ | Slides properly formatted in a professional manner. Proper font sizing, background/ | Slides properly formatted in a professional manner. Proper font sizing, background/ |
Effective Use of Diagrams, Pictures, Tables, Charts and/or Multimedia | No diagrams, picture, tables, charts, and multimedia in the presentation. | Minimal or ineffective use of diagrams, pictures, tables, charts, and /or multimedia in the presentation. | Minor errors in use of diagrams, pictures, tables, chart, and / or multimedia used to effectively communicate message. | Use of diagrams, pictures, tables, charts, and / or multimedia used to effectively communicate message. |
Total Points Earned |
Rubric - Writing
Evaluation Criteria | Unacceptable | Needs Improvement | Satisfactory | Superior |
Context of and Purpose for Writing | Demonstrates minimal attention to context, audience, purpose, and to the assigned tasks(s). | Demonstrates awareness of context, audience, purpose, and to the assigned tasks(s). | Demonstrates adequate consideration of context, audience, and purpose and a clear focus on the assigned task(s). | Demonstrates a thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose that is responsive to the assigned task(s). |
Content Development | Uses appropriate and relevant content to develop simple ideas in some parts of the work. | Uses appropriate and relevant content to develop and explore ideas through most of the work. | Uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to explore ideas within the context of the discipline and shape the whole work. | Uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to illustrate mastery of the subject, conveying the writer's understanding, and shaping the whole work. |
Genre and Disciplinary Conventions | Attempts to use a consistent system for basic organization and presentation. | Follows expectations appropriate to a specific discipline and/or writing task(s) for basic organization, content, and presentation. | Demonstrates consistent use of important conventions particular to a specific discipline and/or writing task(s), including organization, content, presentation, and stylistic choice. | Demonstrates detailed attention to and successful execution of a wide range of conventions particular to a specific discipline and/or writing task (s) including organization, content, presentation, formatting, and stylistic choices. |
Sources and Evidence | Demonstrates an attempt to use sources to support ideas in the writing. Sources are not documented, cited, and referenced using APA format. | Demonstrates an attempt to use credible and/or relevant sources to support ideas that are appropriate for the discipline and genre of the writing. Sources are documented, cited, and referenced with major errors using APA format. | Demonstrates consistent use of credible, relevant sources to support ideas that are situated within the discipline and genre of the writing. Sources are documented, cited, and referenced with a few minor errors using APA format. | Provided Reference List on Demonstrates skillful use of high-quality, credible, relevant sources to develop ideas that are appropriate for the discipline and genre of the writing. Sources are documented, cited and referenced properly using APA format. |
Control of Syntax and Mechanics | Uses language that sometimes impedes meaning because of errors in usage. | Uses language that generally conveys meaning to readers with clarity, although writing may include some errors. | Uses straightforward language that generally conveys meaning to readers. The language in the portfolio has few errors. | Uses graceful language that skillfully communicates meaning to readers with clarity and fluency and is virtually error-free. |
Total Points Earned |