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Criminal Justice Courses

Criminal Justice

CRJ 101 - Criminal Justice (3 credits)

This course will provide a practical understanding and general overview of the American criminal justice system. Students will be introduced to the major law enforcement agencies and their history, including the organization and function of the police, prosecution, corrections, and court systems.

CRJ 210 - Forensic Science (3 credits)

This course will focus on the basic principles and uses of forensic science in the American system of justice. It covers crime scene investigation, collection and categorization of physical evidence, the physical properties of glass and soil, instrumental analysis, hair, fiber and plant evidence, forensic serology, arson evidence, DNA evidence, fingerprints, tool and firearm marks, and document and voice analysis. Students will gain a basic understanding of the capabilities and limitations of the forensic sciences as they are presently practiced. This course cannot be used towards science concentrations.

CRJ 215 - Criminology (3 credits)

This course will focus on the principles and concepts of criminal behavior including criminological theories and typologies, the nature, distribution and extent of crime, and the legal and societal reactions to crime. The objectives of the course are to develop the ability to engage in focused, systematic thinking and written expression about criminal behavior, and to draw correlations between actual criminal activity and theoretical models. (Formerly: CRJ 310.)

CRJ 315 - Race, Class & Gndr in Crim. Jst. Sy (3 credits)

This course will focus on a thorough and critical examination of meanings, history, correlations, and consequences of serious forms of social inequalities and arbitrarily assigned privileges, particularly based on social class and race/ethnicity in the American criminal justice system from a criminological perspective. Implications will be made for inequalities based on gender biases as well. Prerequisite(s): CRJ 215, ENG 101, ENG 102.

CRJ 325 - Ethics in Criminal Justice (3 credits)

Ethics in Criminal Justice is designed to give students a foundation to the basic ethical concepts and issues that arise in various aspects of the field. In this course, students will explore and form an understanding of the concepts of morality, fairness, equity and justice as they relate to policing, the courts, punishment and policy making. Students will be able to develop a familiarity with the cause and effect of ethical decision making through the use of case studies, current events and discussions. Prerequisite(s): CRJ 101, ENG 101, ENG 102.

CRJ 335 - Victimology (3 credits)

This course will focus on contemporary developments in the field of victimology, its conceptual boundaries, its basic concepts and literature, its subfields and role as a field of study within criminology and criminal justice. The historical and emerging roles of victimology as a field of study are examined and discussed in depth. Special attention is paid to apply learning objectives with respect to each student's personal experiences with the human dimensions of victimization. This course also deals with analysis of contemporary programs and trends in the criminal justice system's response to victims. Prerequisite(s):CRJ 101, ENG 101, ENG 102.

CRJ 340 - Sexual and Domestic Violence (3 credits)

This course will focus on the dynamics of domestic violence and sexual violence, trauma informed crisis counseling, and the basics of advocacy. Students will examine contributing factors, review victim/perpetrator profiles, and evaluate community responses. Laws/legislation related to the protection of the person and the community also will be considered. Prerequisite(s): ENG 101, ENG 102, CRJ 101.

CRJ 355 - Mental Health/Sbstnc Abuse in CRJ (3 credits)

This course will focus on general problems created by illegal use of narcotics and dangerous substances, with emphasis upon classification, description and history of drugs, etiology of addiction, extent of drug use and its relationship to criminal behavior and methods of control. This class will analyze mental disorders such as schizophrenia, personality disorders, brain damage, mentally ill and their role in in criminal behavior. In addition, the course will identify different types of treatment which includes community based, family support, and peer networks. Prerequisite(s): ENG101, ENG102, CRJ101.

CRJ 360 - Homeland Security &Criminal Justice (3 credits)

This course will focus on the evolving roles of law enforcement and homeland security. An overview will be presented on the all-hazards approach to emergency management, as well as efforts to align preparedness, incident management, and emergency reponse plans from various agencies (federal, state, local, tribal, private sector and non-governmental). Students will review and discuss the various strategies specific to law enforcement, including an examination of the terrorist events of September 11 in the context of what roles law enforcement should play in preventing and responding to terrorism and the aftermath of an event. The course will also survey other dimensions of homeland security, such as critical infrastructures, maritime security, and the ramping up of air security. Students who have taken PSA 360 should not take this course. Prerequisite(s): ENG 101, CRJ 101.

CRJ 405 - Victim's Rights and Services (3 credits)

This course will focus on the role of the victim’s advocate and the victim’s participation in criminal justice decision making and various restorative justice initiatives. In examining this role, students will specifically analyze the impact of court policies and practices on victims with mental health or substance abuse disorders. Students will also be asked to consider the types and patterns of family and sexual violence to prevention and punishment practices and policies. While distinguishing between ethical and unethical behavior in the criminal justice field, students will be required to apply victims’ rights to criminal case scenarios and explain how victims can be assisted with dealing with the effects of crime and the criminal justice system. Prerequisite(s): ENG 101, ENG 102, CRJ 335.

CRJ 495 - Criminal Justice Major Capstone (3 credits)

This course is designed to allow students to integrate knowledge acquired during previous courses taken as part of the criminal justice major. In this course students will create an original, scholarly work synthesizing knowledge gained regarding criminal justice theories, methodology and systems and apply same to a contemporary issue, policy or problem in the field of criminal justice that is relevant to the student’s concentration within the major. Students graduating with a concentration in Victim Advocacy will be required to focus their research on a topic specific to that field. Students will work independently with support and input from student colleagues and the professor as well as engage in threaded discussions regarding current topics grounded in relevant criminal justice literature. Prerequisite(s): ENG 101, ENG 102.

Criminal Justice

CRJ 101 - Criminal Justice (3 credits)

This course will provide a practical understanding and general overview of the American criminal justice system. Students will be introduced to the major law enforcement agencies and their history, including the organization and function of the police, prosecution, corrections, and court systems.

CRJ 210 - Forensic Science (3 credits)

This course will focus on the basic principles and uses of forensic science in the American system of justice. It covers crime scene investigation, collection and categorization of physical evidence, the physical properties of glass and soil, instrumental analysis, hair, fiber and plant evidence, forensic serology, arson evidence, DNA evidence, fingerprints, tool and firearm marks, and document and voice analysis. Students will gain a basic understanding of the capabilities and limitations of the forensic sciences as they are presently practiced. This course cannot be used towards science concentrations.

CRJ 215 - Criminology (3 credits)

This course will focus on the principles and concepts of criminal behavior including criminological theories and typologies, the nature, distribution and extent of crime, and the legal and societal reactions to crime. The objectives of the course are to develop the ability to engage in focused, systematic thinking and written expression about criminal behavior, and to draw correlations between actual criminal activity and theoretical models. (Formerly: CRJ 310.)

CRJ 315 - Race, Class & Gndr in Crim. Jst. Sy (3 credits)

This course will focus on a thorough and critical examination of meanings, history, correlations, and consequences of serious forms of social inequalities and arbitrarily assigned privileges, particularly based on social class and race/ethnicity in the American criminal justice system from a criminological perspective. Implications will be made for inequalities based on gender biases as well. Prerequisite(s): CRJ 215, ENG 101, ENG 102.

CRJ 325 - Ethics in Criminal Justice (3 credits)

Ethics in Criminal Justice is designed to give students a foundation to the basic ethical concepts and issues that arise in various aspects of the field. In this course, students will explore and form an understanding of the concepts of morality, fairness, equity and justice as they relate to policing, the courts, punishment and policy making. Students will be able to develop a familiarity with the cause and effect of ethical decision making through the use of case studies, current events and discussions. Prerequisite(s): CRJ 101, ENG 101, ENG 102.

CRJ 335 - Victimology (3 credits)

This course will focus on contemporary developments in the field of victimology, its conceptual boundaries, its basic concepts and literature, its subfields and role as a field of study within criminology and criminal justice. The historical and emerging roles of victimology as a field of study are examined and discussed in depth. Special attention is paid to apply learning objectives with respect to each student's personal experiences with the human dimensions of victimization. This course also deals with analysis of contemporary programs and trends in the criminal justice system's response to victims. Prerequisite(s):CRJ 101, ENG 101, ENG 102.

CRJ 340 - Sexual and Domestic Violence (3 credits)

This course will focus on the dynamics of domestic violence and sexual violence, trauma informed crisis counseling, and the basics of advocacy. Students will examine contributing factors, review victim/perpetrator profiles, and evaluate community responses. Laws/legislation related to the protection of the person and the community also will be considered. Prerequisite(s): ENG 101, ENG 102, CRJ 101.

CRJ 355 - Mental Health/Sbstnc Abuse in CRJ (3 credits)

This course will focus on general problems created by illegal use of narcotics and dangerous substances, with emphasis upon classification, description and history of drugs, etiology of addiction, extent of drug use and its relationship to criminal behavior and methods of control. This class will analyze mental disorders such as schizophrenia, personality disorders, brain damage, mentally ill and their role in in criminal behavior. In addition, the course will identify different types of treatment which includes community based, family support, and peer networks. Prerequisite(s): ENG101, ENG102, CRJ101.

CRJ 360 - Homeland Security &Criminal Justice (3 credits)

This course will focus on the evolving roles of law enforcement and homeland security. An overview will be presented on the all-hazards approach to emergency management, as well as efforts to align preparedness, incident management, and emergency reponse plans from various agencies (federal, state, local, tribal, private sector and non-governmental). Students will review and discuss the various strategies specific to law enforcement, including an examination of the terrorist events of September 11 in the context of what roles law enforcement should play in preventing and responding to terrorism and the aftermath of an event. The course will also survey other dimensions of homeland security, such as critical infrastructures, maritime security, and the ramping up of air security. Students who have taken PSA 360 should not take this course. Prerequisite(s): ENG 101, CRJ 101.

CRJ 405 - Victim's Rights and Services (3 credits)

This course will focus on the role of the victim’s advocate and the victim’s participation in criminal justice decision making and various restorative justice initiatives. In examining this role, students will specifically analyze the impact of court policies and practices on victims with mental health or substance abuse disorders. Students will also be asked to consider the types and patterns of family and sexual violence to prevention and punishment practices and policies. While distinguishing between ethical and unethical behavior in the criminal justice field, students will be required to apply victims’ rights to criminal case scenarios and explain how victims can be assisted with dealing with the effects of crime and the criminal justice system. Prerequisite(s): ENG 101, ENG 102, CRJ 335.

CRJ 495 - Criminal Justice Major Capstone (3 credits)

This course is designed to allow students to integrate knowledge acquired during previous courses taken as part of the criminal justice major. In this course students will create an original, scholarly work synthesizing knowledge gained regarding criminal justice theories, methodology and systems and apply same to a contemporary issue, policy or problem in the field of criminal justice that is relevant to the student’s concentration within the major. Students graduating with a concentration in Victim Advocacy will be required to focus their research on a topic specific to that field. Students will work independently with support and input from student colleagues and the professor as well as engage in threaded discussions regarding current topics grounded in relevant criminal justice literature. Prerequisite(s): ENG 101, ENG 102.