Connecticut State Colleges and Universities
Charter Oak State College Official Catalog

Graduate Current Fees

(Effective July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020)

Graduate Programs

Admission Application Fee

This fee is required and non-refundable.

All Students$50

Graduate Program Deposit

Subsequent to acceptance, a student will confirm their decision to enroll in the college by making a $150 deposit to be applied towards the student's future tuition charges. The deposit is non-refundable and will be forfeited if a student does not enroll in classes for the term following the deposit, or by the next 8 week term.

Course Fee

Fees for students enrolled in Charter Oak's Graduate courses.

Connecticut resident$516 per credit
Non-resident$540 per credit

**Please review the refund policies under Academic Policies and Regulations.

Student Services Fee

Connecticut resident$333

The Student Services Fee is a required fee and is charged to all students.

Degree students will be charged the fee each semester (Fall, Spring and Summer) regardless of registration. Students who miss a semester and then return will be required to pay the Student Services Fee of the current semester and the previous missed semester(s). Students can pay two (2) consecutive semesters worth of back payments of the Fee and still retain their degree status and the degree requirements in effect during their initial matriculation at the College.

Students who fail to pay the Student Services Fee for 2 consecutive semesters will be administratively withdrawn (AW) and lose their degree status after the last day to register for classes in the third semester.

Technology Fee

All students$75

The Technology Fee will be charged each semester a student is enrolled in courses. This fee is non-refundable.

Late Registration Fee

All students$70

Any student that registers during the late registration period will be assessed a Late Registration Fee. This fee is non-refundable.

Graduation Fee

All Students$225

Payment Plans

The College offers payment plans which allows students to pay their fees in installments.

Students enroll in a plan using Charter Oak's ACORN online portal. Students taking 5-week courses are not eligible for the payment plan. Enrollment is allowed in only one plan at a time.

Company Bill/Third Party Letter of Credit Requirements

The College offers a program for students whose fees will be paid by their employer or some other sponsoring organization. Students are responsible for ensuring that the letter of credit authorization from the sponsoring organization is submitted to the Bursar's Office before the start of their program of study. The program requirements are located on ACORN.

Portfolio Assessment Fee

More information can be found on the Credit for Prior Learning and Portfolio Assessment Catalog pages and the Portfolio Program web page. Graduate students should contact the PLA Office for portfolio submission instructions. Payment of the assessment fee is required prior to the initiation of the assessment process and regardless of the results.

Matriculated Student$350 per single course portfolio
Non-matriculated Student$450 per single course portfolio

Credential Evaluation Program

Students may apply for credit based upon a professional credential or license. More information is available on the Credit for Prior Learning Catalog page and the Credential Evaluation Program page.

Matriculated student$500 per credential

Diploma Replacement Fee

All Students$30

Transcript Fees

Rush (mailed within 48 hours of receipt) per transcript$20

Bad Check Fee

All Students$35